The Battlefield Between Your Ears

Category: Network Author: Maikel Date: 10.08.2020 15:22:58

Three Mindset Gaps that Will Keep You Stuck and Sabotage Your Success!


You can have all the leads and prospects in the world…,

But if you don't fix the following three mindset gaps, you will NEVER succeed in your network marketing business.

If that sounds harsh, we feel you (we're still working on some of them ourselves!)

But trust us, if you don't overcome these mindset gaps, you will remain stuck, you won't find the success you want, and you'll sabotage your business.

We don't want that for you (and neither do you!)

So watch the video below to discover how to overcome these mental blind spots NOW and save yourself the blood, sweat, and tears of figuring these out the long, hard way.



First, I want to paint a picture for you.

You may recognize this scene…,

You're invited to a home meeting.

You sit down, and suddenly, your hosts start drawing circles on a board.

And then they say…,

"All you have to do is to find five people! And those five people are going to go find five people!"

We all know how it works.

"And those five people go find five people, and guess what? Then you're a millionaire!"

Then you start thinking…,

"Wow! I only have to talk to 5 people…, and success will come knocking on my door!"

If you're reading this article today, you probably realize it doesn't typically work quite like that.

This leads us to our first mindset gap…,

1. Thinking success is automatic!

The obvious problem here is, from that first meeting, it's put into our brains that will to be easy and automatic.

All we have to do is go out and talk to 5 people.

Sure, that's the way we're taught, but that's not a proper expectation!

One of the biggest things you've got to realize: success is not automatic.

There are going to be ups and downs.

Every day we see people get frustrated lost faith in their business and the process.

But the real problem is not the system.

Instead, it's all about having proper expectations.

We had to overcome this ourselves.

We thought…,

"Wait, we're doing everything the way we were told. So what's the reason success isn't just happening?"

But what we had to realize was that we had to develop specific SKILL SETS to make things work.

Ever feel like this..?

You go to events and see these top earners walking across the stage, telling their stories, and you think…,

"Man, it must have been so easy for them!"

Well, guess what?

It doesn't matter who your network is or what relationships you have…,

Success is NOT going to come easy for anyone, ever.


One thing that sets top earners apart is consistency because success is essentially a product of character and leveraging a proper system.

We'll be talking a little more about a system later, but first…,

The next mindset gap is…,

2. Focusing on your problems instead of your prospect's problems!

When we started network marketing, our upline often taught us to push products, so we started promoting our business, bugging friends and family, and spamming links on social media.

These are big "no-nos" because you're focused on solving YOUR problems!

  • YOU need the recruit
  • YOU need the customer
  • YOU need the enrollment

…because YOU need the money, right?

If you don't know our story, that's how we came into this business.

We lived in our parents' basement after losing our house when we joined network marketing.

What was our mindset?

"We have to get money coming in—we've got to make this work! We've got to find those five people!"

So we focused on what WE were struggling with, what WE needed, instead of thinking…

"What does our market need? What are they looking for?"

If you want to succeed…,

Shift your mind off you and what you need.

Are you focusing on yourself and your frustrations?

Because if so, then you're just thinking about me, me, me, me!

Instead, you've got to…,

Start focusing on your prospects and the value you can share!

Otherwise, you'll reek of "commission breath."

And commission breath stinks!

Your prospects can smell it coming from a mile away.

Don't forget your prospects aren't robots!

They're human beings, going through their problems and struggles with their feelings, hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

Here's the truth…,

When you stop thinking about your problems and focus on the needs and concerns of others—that's when your business will start to grow.

And look, we understand this is the hardest thing to overcome, especially when you have real problems going on in your own life.

But try this idea on and see how it fits…,

Do your problems need to take up your FULL attention?

If it's immediately life-threatening, then sure, don't ignore a life or death situation you must deal with at that moment.

Otherwise, determine if your problems are simply things you'd LIKE to change but don't necessarily have to be changed today.

Because getting over ourselves is what created our breakthrough.

We got overthinking…,

"Man, if only it were easy! If only we had this, or if only we had that."

Our business exploded when we started focusing exclusively on our prospects!

Our business also became more manageable because we started to CARE about people.

Honestly, for our first few years in network marketing, we didn't care much about many people.

We were looking to build a team and figured…,

"Oh, we'lt build relationships with people…once they enrol."

Now, we look back and think…,

"Wow, we were so selfish!"

It took time for us to look past our happiness, but finally, we thought…,

"You know what? The heck with it. Let's make this work! Let's focus on THEM."

And now we focus, focus, focus on other people.

And we also actually enjoy our business, talking to people, and creating relationships, because we don't care what they do (or don't) anymore.

We don't care if they join our team.

We care about them being happy with what they're doing.

And guess what?

That's what attracts people to us!
That perfectly segues into mindset gar, which we will discussut.

3. Not thinking like a top earner!

What do we mean?

Any of these thoughts qualify…,

  • Why would anybody listen to me? I am a nobody!
  • What value do I have to offer? I don't know anything!
  • How can I teach success if I haven't already had success?
  • If I don't have results, why should anybody listen to me?

Look, we get it. Seriously.

We had an $80 residual check in our network marketing business when we started online. We were $30,000 in debt, living in Whit's mother's basement.

So who would want to listen to us?

You would think that our mindset would have been, but we never once felt like that.

Instead, we had gone through two years of hell.

After two years of traditional network marketing, we got a rejection, , no, ander no.

But we learned a LOT in the process.

Like you have things that you've learned too.

You unquestionably have value to share!

Even if it has something to do with a full-time job you're working.

You have skills!

You have things that you've learned in your life or profession that can be related to whatever brand you're building.

It doesn't matter the success you have or haven't had.

Always remember that everybody has to start somewhere.

Every 6-, 7-, and 8-figure earner started in the same place…,

With ZERO results!

Everybody starts at square one and has to build up.

And here's what you need to keep in mind…,

There are people out there who need to hear it specifically from YOU!

Do you realize that?

They need it from you.

Think about this…,

Take a video of a top earner sitting by their fancy car, saying this and that.

How is that relatable to anybody?

Where you are right now is in the trenches.

That's what people can relate to.

Not someone who's already "there."

And yeah, it's great to hear the success stories because that's the dream.

But at the end of the day, people want to work with people in the trenches, build their business, and do the day-to-day stuff.

You'll never attract your tribe if you have the mindset gap of…,

"Why would people want to listen to me?"

If that's what you're thinking, as Whit would say, "Slap yourself!"

(But, you know, don't hurt yourself.)

We're all learning and sharing the value we know as we fall on our faces.

The best teacher is a failure, after all.

So, if you have stuff that you've failed at or didn't get results with, share that information!

Be transparent!

That's how you build trust.

Let's recap real quick…,

The 3 BIG, show-stopping mindset gaps are…

1. Thinking success is automatic.

Stop it! Right now!

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what colour you are, I don't care.

Success is not going to come easy.

It's going to take determination, hustle, drive, and consistency.

2. Focusing on your problems instead of the needs of your market.

Make it about them.

Become the education provider rather than the spammer.

3. Not thinking like a top earner.

You must start thinking like a top earner, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Don't worry if you don't feel like you have value or anything to say.

Because like we've said…,

Everybody has value to share!

So if you're a network marketer and you'd like to learn more about building your business online using value-driven and education-based marketing (instead of pitching friends and family or stalking strangers at the mall as we used to)…,

Then I strongly encourage you to sign up for Elite Marketing Pro's FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

You'll learn even more ways to improve your mindset, connect with your prospects, and increase your chances of building a successful business.

The beauty of being a human is that we each have our own story.

EMP's Bootcamp contains the same information we used to get started on our journey of learning how to market ourselves online.

You'll learn how to use the most cutting-edge online methods to rank advance, sell more stuff, recruit more people, and make a lot more "moola" in your business.

So if you're ready to get started…,

Click here to access EMP's 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

I wish you a good day & a good life,

Maikel Andres
New-Age Affiliate Marketer


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