Why Less is More? Read and find out!

Category: Network Author: Maikel Date: 12.07.2022 16:47:02


In the traditional business world, people think having a BIG business with a bunch of resources…,

such as being able to hire the best, pay signing bonuses, issue stocks galore, cut enormous paychecks, and provide outrageous perks…,

All SEEM-like unfair advantages large corporations have over the "little guy."

But in actuality, being small has its advantages.

I'm reading a book titled, The Road Less Stupid by a personal mentor, Keith Cunningham, and a chapter in his phenomenal book has inspired me to write about this topic.

Anyway, in The Road Less Stupid, Keith talks about some advantages of being a small company versus a big conglomerate.

how to be successful in network marketing: being small is an advantage

That got me thinking about being small in network marketing and the advantages I had when I first started as a "nobody" in this profession.

When I was a newbie in network marketing, I sometimes caught myself wishing I was already a double diamond or a top earner, especially at company events.

Because I assumed those people had an advantage over me.

Maybe they had more experience; perhaps they had specific skills I hadn't learned yet; maybe they had the charisma or the credibility to recruit more successfully.

So, of course, they were able to recruit and build an organization faster than I could, right?

Naturally, I thought…

If I could be where they were, with their resources, influence, and credibility, that would be a huge advantage.

But the reality was that being small at that time gave MM.E.the advantage I began to exploit. I want to share with you what that advantage was.

That is how I learned being small can still lead to successful network marketing.

Why being small is a distinct advantage.

how to be successful in network marketing: being small allows for mistakes

Most of the top earners in my first company built their organizations a LOOONG time ago.

We're talking way before the Internet took off, and the reality was this…,

Their organizations were dwindling.

They were too high in their "ivory tower" to understand the field's struggles and changing dynamics.

They didn't know what was happening in the everyday life of a network marketer.

And their most significant disadvantage was how restricted they were.

Here's what I mean…,

Unfortunately, some network marketing companies and organizations operate like a cult.

It's true.

These companies watch what their leaders are doing like a hawk.

They don't want their leaders to ruffle any feathers!

And they certainly don't want leaders to do anything other than what's expected of them regarding approved business building methods, involvement in other business ventures, and even expectations around private personal conduct.

Therefore, in many organizations, the company or its more powerful distributors may start monitoring each other's behaviour, personally and professionally.

And the business rules, at least—both spoken and unspoken—keep people from innovating and trying new things.

The fear from the company or top distributors' perspective is that one of their leaders is building in a way that isn't "approved" by the master distributors or company. Other lower-level distributors will catch on and might start mimicking "unproven" strategies, damaging the organization's focus, unity, and production.

On its face, I can understand this perspective. Still, as is predictable, innovation is likely to happen at a snail's pace in many of these organizations as the leadership is sacrificing the potential effectiveness of lower-level distributors in a rapidly changing market for the sake of maintaining slow and steady growth (i.e. protecting their incomes instead of the risk that comes with trying new methods).

You've probably heard in network marketing…,

"We want only to teach you what's proven."


"Follow our proven system."

The reality is this:

Being small in network marketing gave you and me an advantage: the flexibility to try new things…,

New things the big guys are either too cynical or are too afraid to try for fear of how they will be judged or fear of jeopardizing their incomes.

When you're small…, no one's noticing you.

how to be successful in network marketing: Big is the enemy of flexibility

No one bothers to notice you when you're small and start doing stuff online.

Maybe your immediate upline will notice something, but your company will not come down after you because you don't have enough influence in the company yet and don't have anything to lose.

That was great for me.

Once I realized being small gave me an advantage, I was able to explore things like "attraction marketing" and could learn to build my business online without too much-unwanted attention coming my way.

I was able to attend live events and seminars about how to build my business online.

At Elite Marketing Pro, we hold the No Excuses Summit every June about building your business online.

When you're small and attend an event like that, no one cares if your picture shows up on social media.

No one's watching you…, and that's a significant advantage!

For myself, I was able to build my online presence via my website and social media before anyone was the wiser.

And here are my results…

Two years after discovering these online network marketing strategies and exploring digital marketing, I…,

  • Quit my job,
  • He was earning multiple six figures, and
  • Built three sources of income, which quickly ballooned to seven-figures

One of my three sources of income was network marketing, but the other sources of income were affiliate marketing, coaching, and consulting.

This type of diversity is essential but allows you to provide more value to your prospects.

For example, those two additional income sources allowed me to monetize the people who said "no" to my opportunity.

Maybe they wanted to build their own network marketing business in a different company or weren't interested in mine, but they still saw value in what I was doing and wanted to remain connected.

Regardless, I was able to make money and serve people in different ways.

That was powerful, and that's a lesson for you today…,

You have an advantage if you're small because no one will notice you, so you have nothing to lose.

Being small allows you to make mistakes.

You have very little to lose in terms of your actual business.

In other words, if you are afraid of what your upline will think because you're doing certain things online…, guess what?

That's a made-up fear since you don't have a high income yet to lose.

And even if you have a little income, that's still not a reason to restrict yourself.

In The Road Less Stupid, Keith Cunningham references Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, where Darwin introduces the concept of the "survival of the fittest."

The fittest were the most adaptable.

The fittest weren't the strongest or the biggest.

Otherwise, the dinosaurs would still be around.

Only the adaptable survive.

The key to winning in any business, including network marketing, is how flexible you are in responding to the changes in the marketplace, the environment, and the available technology.

Being BIG is the enemy of flexibility.

It handicaps your ability to adapt and change.

There are plenty of examples of big companies that were number one in their industry and then collapsed.

Think about Blockbuster, Sears, and Blackberry.

Taxi conglomerates are collapsing because of Uber and Lyft taking over the marketplace.

Being the fittest is about adaptability.

And the reality is the struggle for survival.

So if you want to survive in any marketplace…,

it would help if you had more curiosity and less arrogance.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of certainties, as opposed to clarity, among network marketing's top earner circles.

Many top earners think they know the RIGHT way because they successfully built their businesses.

That's not necessarily true because the number one constant in business is what?


And many big companies and many top earners especially lack curiosity.

And so, if they want to survive, curiosity and less need to be correct are required.

They must ask better questions and have fewer answers in a changing dynamic.

Far too many times, I've seen someone who's achieved an extensive income network marketing and…,

Then operate like the marketplace is NEVER going to change.

The reality is that the marketplace is constantly changing.

Those who have been in network marketing over the past five years know how quickly things have evolved using technology and social media to communicate and build organizations.

All of that is changing very rapidly.

You can't rely on your triple ambassador, who built his business 30 years ago, for answers to these changes.

Industry veterans offer a lot of insight into the fundamentals and leadership.

But ultimately, when it comes to technology & innovation, those insights will come from the field.

Your advantage in being small is that you can innovate and make mistakes without fear of repercussions from master distributors or the company.

Now, before we proceed, I have a warning.

As Keith mentions in his book, even though being small has an advantage, you can lose that advantage if you're not careful.

Small destroys its only advantage by trying to mimic the big guys and follow their rules.

You will destroy your advantage if you always try to "toe the line."

You need to be willing to ruffle some feathers!

You must be willing to do what we do here at Elite Marketing Pro: innovate and stay on the cutting edge of what's currently working—not only in network marketing but in ANY business.

And sure, maybe you already consider yourself a "rebel," but we're not being rebels to try to separate ourselves from the industry.

We're trying to be rebels to IMPROVE the industry and the profession.

We're ultimately being disruptive for the cause of good.

So you can stay home with your kids, rather than out doing home parties and home meetings, or hotel meetings, or being a "mall shark" like our friend Cari Higham.

You can build this business from home with your kids playing five feet away from you.

That's the advantage we're giving you: the ability to adapt to a changing environment, so if you want to be a stay-at-home parent, you can do it.

Similarly, if you are a busy professional and work long hours…, What's the ultimate way to build a business in the network marketing space?

Why, you are being able to do it from your phone or your computer, of course, in the "gaps" of your life!

That's the flexibility and adaptability I can provide to the attraction marketing strategies I used to build my small business into an empire.

So if you'd like to learn more about effective marketing methods that let you thrive even when small…,

Sign up for our FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp and discover our proven method of quickly building your automated Internet recruiting machine!

You'll learn about the tools and techniques you can use to connect with prospects on social media passively, so you'll never have to chase anyone, pester friends or family, or face rejection again.

These methods allow you to build your business automatically—where people will reach out to you (instead of you having to reach out to them).

The bottom line is that, in today's age, you don't ever need to cold prospect to build a successful business!

You can take advantage of these methods starting today—no matter how much (or little) online recruiting experience you currently have.

So if you're ready to get started…,

Click here, and you'll get access to EMP's 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.




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