How To Avoid This Marketing Mistake

Category: Network Author: Maikel Date: 18.10.2020 09:22:34

Are You Killing Your Conversions with This Fatal Marketing Mistake?

building a network marketing business

Apple was inchaoss during the mid-'90s.

They were churning products out like craz,y and nobody was buying them.

Remember the Macintosh Quadra, Centris, and Performa?

Yeah, neither does anybody else.

Apple was on the brink of total collapse because they were all over the map with their marketing and products.

They were also haemorrhaging money and taking a beating at the hands of Microsoft.

Apple was in desperate need of a saviour.

Enter Steve Jobs!

When Jobs returned to the company in 1997, thescepticall public couldn't help but wonder if the damage Applehads done to themselves was beyond repair.

Jobs' first move as returning CEO was to slash Apple's product line.

The company was selling a dozenversionsn of the same computer in an attempt to appease retailers.

However, Jobs noted that trying to cover so much ground did nothing but confuse the bejesus out of consumers.

So he reduced their product line to four machines:

- A desktop and laptop for professionals.
- A desktop and laptop for consumers.


That's it.

In Jobs' own words:

"Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do."

Apple also stopped licensing out its hardware or software:

Everything with the Apple logo on it was strictly theirs moving forward.

They took back control.

The emphasis on control and fewer core products was instrumental in Apple's resurgence.

The company managed to hone what they were good at, eventually resulting in a slew of groundbreaking products such as the iMac, iPod, and iPad.

Oh, and a little thing called the iPhone.Have you everr heard of it?

The key takeaway from Apple's tale is pretty straightforward…,

If you're a marketer, you MUST focus!

That is, focus on what you're good at versus trying to appease everyone.

When you're focused, quality goes up.

It's easier to innovate when you're not stretched so thin and can effectively manage your resources.

Another story.

In 2006, Nike was facing a slum,p and the CEO called Job for help.

His response was pure gold:

"Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap.Gett rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff."


Cut the crap.


So what are your strengths?

What can you do today that's going to translate into sales ASAP?

Those are the questions you need to ask yourself to find your focus.

Because when you focus, good things happen.

What "focus" really means for marketers today!

Chances are you're feeling pulled in a million different directions regarding what you should be doing on any given day, right?

Ads. Blog posts. Social media. Emails. Webinars. Videos. Live broadcasts.

The list goes on.

All of these channels have the potential to be effective.

Now you've got to decide what to do.

And what not to do.

Because you can't do it all without spreading yourself too thin.

So focus on your strengths (and ignore the rest).

- If you're comfortable with the written word, gravitate towards blogging.
- If you're not shy in front of the camera, go "all in" with Live broadcasts.
- If you love the sound of your voice (which is a rare quality if there ever was one), start podcasting.
- If you're a Facebookaholic, make sure you get paid by your addiction!

You're golden if you're single-mindedly focused on honing a single skillset.

However, many marketers seem to miss another aspect of focusing.

The dangers of unfocused marketing!

Not only do you need to hone in on your strengths and the marketing opportunities that make the most sense, but you also need to market yourselfsoy that you don't overwhelm your audience with choices.

I was ironically reminded of this when I stepped into the Apple store recently.

While I went in knowing what I wanted, I couldn't help butoverhearg conversations between patrons and employees.

- What's the difference between the iPad, iPad Pro, and iPad Air?


- What's the difference between the MacBook Air, MacBook, and 13″ MacBook Pr witho, non-Touch Bar?


- What's the difference between the iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, and iPhone S.E.?


- Wait, so why would I want an Apple Watch too?

- And what kind of adapter will I need?

I was also confused by all the options.

That speaks to a much larger problem among marketers, though:

We often offer our prospects way too many choices!

If you want your prospects to take action, keep it simple.

It doesn't matter if that action is leaving a comment or purchasing a product.

Offer ONE choice.

A single call-to-action.

That's it.

If you're sending out an email or hosting a Facebook Live event, hone in a single actio, you want your prospects to take.

It might be clicking over to a landing page or checking out a particular piece of content.

You might also be tempted to ask your readers to follow you on Facebook, subscribe to updates, and check out your YouTube channel while they're at it, but do so at your peril.

The reality?

Your prospects don't have time for all of that.

They can only chase one squirrel at a time.

So choose wisely.

That is especially important if you're just getting startedons building a network marketing business because it's tempting to try and accommodate every request and cave to every stipulation.

#resist temptation.

You need to cull your options down to a single choice!
One action.

This (or maybe that).

The same rules apply to your email list.

If somebody opted-in, they're interested, so don't beat around the bush.

Remember:Yourr goal is to sell.

You might want to make your prospects feel like kids in a candy store, but leaving your audience wide-eyed won't pay the bills.Too create repeat customers, you need to prime them to take action.

And when there's only one choice in front of them, taking that action becomes much easier.

When in doubt, keep things super simple.

Focus on your strengths, then drive your prospects to click on what matters most.

To click or not to click.

That is the question.

So, what are you focused on right now?

From making the most of your marketing firepower to zeroing in on your bestcalls to action, it often feels like there's a lot of room for error.

Don't sweat it.

Don't seek perfection; just get started.

Finding your focus means putting yourself out there—this is an experiential, not an intellectual, process.

The marketplace (where the people who buy stuff are) doesn't exist in your head; it's out in the world.

So get out there!

Deliver your here's-your-only-option-to-move-forward marketing message.

It's pretty much the only way to get accurate results.

Because the more leads in your pipeline, the more opportunities to find out what makes your prospects "tick."

And if you're hungry for more opportunities to share your message, we've got what you need.

We put together a FREE, step-by-step  Online Recruiting Bootcamp that reveals our exact advertising process in a

So if you're a network marketer and want to learn more about building your business online using value-driven and education-based marketing (instead of pitching friends and family or stalking strangers at the mall as we used to).

Then I strongly encourage you to sign up for Elite Marketing Pro's FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

You'll discover how you can create a profitable ad campaign in just 10 minutes a day with as little as $10 in the initial ad spend.

EMP's Bootcamp contains the same information we used to get started on our journey of learning how to market ourselves online.

In fact…,

We've used the exact formula to turn a $10 test campaign into $141,246.30 in sales.

And our "master in marketing" :-) Ferny Ceballos will show precisely how we did it.

You'll learn how to use the most cutting-edge online methods to rank advance, sell more stuff, recruit more people, and make many more "moola" in your business.

So if you haven't registered yet, why are you waiting?

Click here to access EMP's 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp.

Have a good day, and a good life,
best regards from Tenerife sends you,

Maikel Andres
New-Age Affiliate Marketer


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