network news and infos

Why Less is More? Read and find out!

  In the traditional business world, people think having a BIG business with a bunch of resources…, such as being able to hire the best, pay signing bonuses, issue stocks galore, cut enormous paychecks, and provide outrageous perks…, All SEEM-like unfair advantages large corporations have over the "little guy." But in actuality, being sma...

THE 4 Ways

The 4-Step Strategic Formula for Writing KILLER Ad Copy that Closes More Sales!   The 4-Step Strategic Formula for Writing KILLER Ad Copy that Closes More Sales Want to sell more stuff, recruit more reps, and make a lot more "moola" in your business? Sounds like a plan, right? First, you need to learn how to market your business and start advertisi...

Network Marketing Top Earner? - Kate Will Show You How!

The Four Required Steps to Become a Top Earner in Network Marketing!   It's time for a reality check because a "virus" commonly infects entrepreneurs and especially likes to reside in the fertile brains of struggling network marketers. To help you clear your mind, I will show you how you can inoculate yourself and begin your journey to earn a spot am...

How To Avoid This Marketing Mistake

Are You Killing Your Conversions with This Fatal Marketing Mistake? Apple was inchaoss during the mid-'90s. They were churning products out like craz,y and nobody was buying them. Remember the Macintosh Quadra, Centris, and Performa? Yeah, neither does anybody else. Apple was on the brink of total collapse because they were all over the map with their marketing...

Three Ways Of Effective Internet Use

Friends of mine, who are 7-figure producers, are FINALLY starting to concede that Internet-based recruiting works publicly! In fact, despite being "hush, hush" in most circles, it's one of the most effective strategies in the industry… ever! Now, I'm not just talking about prospecting via social media but basic marketing strategies. "Internet marketing" me...

Change=Chance - It is Now Time!

The world is changing faster than ever. Technology is accelerating, job security is declining, and income inequality is increasing. People are overworked and underpaid. People are left with less time and freedom, wondering if there is a better way. Our changing economy has led to the rise of the entrepreneur. The fastest, most dependable and controllable way to beco...

Could it be a steal

How to Make Your Ultra-Premium, Top-Shelf Offer Feel Like an Absolute Steal If McDonald's started offering caviar, would you buy it? How about a "premium" Big Mac that sets you back, oh say, $22? This fictional fare sounds downright ridiculous, I know. That said, we'd never give such ludicrous items. The time of day serves as some serious food for thought for ...

The Future Is Bright - If....

How to Save Network Marketing & Your Relationships, While Rapidly Growing Your Team! A MURDER mystery has been solved…we finally know what's killing "old school" network marketing… The Internet did it! The scene of this murder??? Your Facebook News Feed! DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNN! LOL…, I'm having a little fun here. It's true, though: arme...

The Battlefield Between Your Ears

Three Mindset Gaps that Will Keep You Stuck and Sabotage Your Success!   You can have all the leads and prospects in the world…, But if you don't fix the following three mindset gaps, you will NEVER succeed in your network marketing business. If that sounds harsh, we feel you (we're still working on some of them ourselves!) But trust us, if ...

Caveman see - Caveman do

A' Caveman Simple Way' to Run INSANELY Profitable "Ads" on Social Media WITHOUT Advertising   Contrary to what many think, easy social media marketing does not mean expensive banner ads. There's a term in the advertising world used to refer to someone who's learned to ignore ads on websites and social media to the point where their brain refuses to s...

Wow - 1732 Distributers in 30 days - How? New Ways!

How to Recruit 1732 Distributors in 30 Days! Today, I have a training put together by my mentor, Tim Erway, where he'll be teaching you how to create a simple 1-page website, which he used to generate tens of thousands of leads and recruit 1732 distributors in 30 days into his network marketing business when he first got online over ten years ago. After w...

The 8 steps from good to great

The 8 Steps to Become an Extraordinary Entrepreneur   There are two types of entrepreneurs in the world…, The average entrepreneurs and the extraordinary entrepreneurs. And there's a BIG difference between the two, especially regarding how much money you can make and the kind of lifestyle you can achieve. This post is for entrepren...

They come in colours! What?

  Hi, It's Maikel here, and I hope you're all well! Here´s an interesting..., Question: My most surprising lesson in Nw-Marketing? Answer: When I found out about the four colour personalities. Before we go any further, let me tell you a short story.   Does This Look Familiar?   Have you ever talked to a prospect and had this happen? 1...

The Strategies “They” Don’t Want You To Know!

Attraction Marketing Strategies "They" Don't Want You To Know About!     Here are three undeniable truths virtually all top earners don't want you to know:   1. "Old-school" methods are getting LESS effective by the day!   2. The online prospecting methods most "leaders" teach make people angry and       annoyed (and can e...

How Becoming a World-Class Recruiting Machine

Seven Steps to Becoming a World-Class Recruiting Machine in Network Marketing!   How would it impact your business if you could recruit network marketers like an absolute recruiting MACHINE? Dramatically for the better, right? Because let's face it, whether you're building your network marketing team or promoting an affiliate marketing opportunity, recrui...

Network Marketing Revolution Social Media

"Hey Girl": Top 3 'Cheeseball' Social Media Prospecting Tactics to STOP Immediately (Plus, How to Start Getting REAL Results Instead!)   Are you not seeing results with prospecting on social media? Have you been diligently spreading the right word about your product, service, or opportunity…, Only for it to fall on deaf ears? Or worse, find all yo...

Automatically Attract Endless New Prospects & Team Members!

How Magnetic Sponsoring Works: Automatically Attract Endless New Prospects & Team Members!   Have you ever seen, at some point in your network marketing career, a well-respected, already-popular, and successful person? Almost overnight, joining your network marketing company had dozens—if not hundreds—of people enter their organisation. The...

How To Be More Attractive?

The 7-Step Formula to Create Your Own Automated Internet Recruiting Machine!   If you lived in England in the 1760s, you would have been lucky to own two shirts. That's because the cloth was incredibly painful and slow to make. Individual artisans produced the thread in their homes, a single spool at a time. Inefficient, to say the least! Then one day...

Successful Affiliate Marketer Without Ninja Tricks

5 Critical Factors of Becoming a Successful Affiliate Marketer on Facebook After thousands of hours of critiquing the Facebook campaigns of our students here at Elite Marketing Pro…, I've seen over and over again what works and what doesn't in social media prospecting. And while some students quickly start kicking butt with their ads, others struggle and...

Network Marketing - Not Perfect - But Better

Is Network Marketing a Legitimate Business?   Let's discuss a question you'll inevitably get asked in the network marketing industry…, Is network marketing a legitimate business? If you haven't heard this one already, get ready. You will. Maybe it'll come from a family member, spouse, friend, or perhaps even a coworker once they find out you've...

How To Use LinkedIn For Network Marketing

How to Attract High-Quality Prospects, Enroll Serious Builders into Your Business, and Grow Your Team – FAST – Using LinkedIn!   Are you wondering if you should use platforms like Linkedin in your network marketing business? EVERYBODY is using social media to sell their stuff these days… Even the most prominent brands like Coca-Cola, Ni...

No Need To Be Embarrassed

How to Get Your Friends & Family to RESPECT & Help You Build Your Business?   If you want to be successful in network marketing, you must contend with this dead-serious question: Are you embarrassed to be involved with the network marketing industry? It's critical to be honest because your answer has everything to do with the results (or lack th...

Get High-Quality Prospects To Reach Out To You

How To Get High-Quality Prospects To Reach Out To You!   Get High-Quality Prospects To Reach Out To You And Virtually BEG You To Join Your Team, I was skimming through our members-only Facebook group, and I’m thrilled to see many people posting about getting their FIRST lead. Or how someone reached out to them to talk about the business. Or how they ma...

Why they buy!

How To Improve Your Communication Negotiation & Sales Up To 300% !!!   The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. – Robert Kiyosaki Most salespeople sell based on what would appeal to their personality without considering their prospect's personality. That's precisely why sales presentations consistently turn off 66% of customers. W...